Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Homemade Ricotta Cheese

So I found this amazing recipe at Smitten Kitchen for their Rich Homemade Ricotta. It was amazingly simple and soooo good! I used the 3.5 cups of milk and half cup of heavy cream. I let it sit in the cheese cloth for about two hours, and noticed that it seemed that there were a lot of curds left in the whey so I'm currently running the left overs through the cheese cloth for a second time. I'll let you know how that batch comes out. The original batch came out so smooth. I was worried about using the lemon, but there is only a small hint of lemon flavor, and it's amazing.

Anyway, here is the finish result. Back in Oz a favorite breakfast of mine was banana bread with ricotta and honey. When I first saw it on a menu I thought it would be horrible, but I was so very wrong. Just try it for yourself some day and you'll see.

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