Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A new note to the rugby league scandal.

Today more people are starting to speak out against these guys, but there is a very interesting tone in the article by Annabel Crabb. I thought I was agreeing with them until they started to "take out the girl" from the equation and tried to make it a homosexuality thing. They seem to gloss over the rape and the sex crime and focus on the idea that this is a homosexuality issue. This is insulting to both women and homosexuals. I don't understand what is going on here. Yesterday I got an e-mail from the Australian Women's Forum and I thought "great some one is going to speak out" but it was an e-mail asking for participation in a survey about how to balance life, work, and family. Not a single mention about this travesty. I feel like I'm walking through a nightmare. How can people a) be okay with what is going on or b) figure that it's too much to deal with so leave it for some one else to clean up.

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