Saturday, April 28, 2012

What the Wha???

So I just found this clip...

Really, Really, REALLY... Do these people think that women are animals? That women are less than animals? I understand why people might be on either side of the issue, but comparing women to animals. Telling a women that her child is dead and that she will still have to carry it to term knowing everyday that the thing inside of her, the child inside of her is dead sounds to me like torture, inhumane torture. What really bothers me is how easy it is for this guy to compare women to animals, to dehumanise us. Nothing good ever comes from dehumanising a group of people. Women are people. It seems obvious, but after watching this, seeing some of the laws coming out, and listening to other law makers (I'm talking to you my beloved WI) I feel it is necessary to point out. Women are humans, fully functioning, thinking, intelligent, feeling humans.

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