Sunday, October 30, 2011

Some thoughts on Mississippi - No on 26.

A few posts ago I rambled on a bit about Mitt Romney and how he stated that he would have endorsed a bill on personhood (as defined as starting at conception) if it had been brought to him while gov. in Mass. This seemed inconceivable to me, and what I thought would have been science fiction not even 5 years ago, but the unthinkable my happen in a little over a week in Mississippi. I know this clip is a bit long, but it is well worth watching. Towards the beginning of the interview with Cristen Hemmins she states that it appears that since Mississippi teaches mostly abstinence only in their school systems, people do not understand how babies are made, and how contraception works. Perhaps an unintended consequence of abstinence only eduction.  I've always wondered where those against sex ed class expect people to learn about contraception if not in school, but that's another topic.

What I think this video does is show how easy it is for an ill thought out law to take away rights of others. Here we have a proposal written with good intentions to try to help children (although I don't agree that a fertilised egg is a child as I stated in a previous post) but has damning ramifications for women and their health. This is what happens when people with good intentions but with little knowledge about how the body works try to write laws affecting medical conditions. This is an example of why we need better science education/appreciation. This would allow us as the general public better understand these laws that we are asked to vote on.


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